Friday 28 January 2011

Yesterday, the band recorded our song for us however, the vocalist was not able to attend as she is not very well. We could have used a male vocalist , but thought the female voice would give the song a different feel, so we recorded the bass and the drums and will have to wait for the female vocalist to recover before we record the vocals.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

In todays lesson, we came up with an idea for the opening of the film. We decided that we was going to black out the screen at the end of the title sequence, whilst the music is still playing, then show a friend of Emily's grieving over Emily's death in her room with the song playing in her room as diegetic sound.
We did more editing on final cut pro improving cuts and spoke about where in the title sequence the titles will appear and where the film title will appear. We also scheduled the band in our school who are recording our music to record it tomorrow after school so we can add the song to our title sequence and adjust the pace of it to match the music.

Friday 21 January 2011

Today, we edited our footage and put it all together on movie maker. We only edited it roughly on movie maker and are going to transfer it into final cut pro so we can get a sharper edit on it and so we can add more effects.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Today, we started editing the footage we got on Monday. We managed to put together the chase through the woods and Emily getting bitten by the vampire. We had previously edited the surveillance pictures however were unable to save them, therefore it has to be done again. We also need to add the titles and recored the band doing a cover of the song we have chosen.

Monday 17 January 2011

Today we started filming our chase. We did this in Bostal woods as the scenery was dark and damp which was perfect as it set a good atmosphere for the sequence. We used lots of different angles to shoot add effect like letting Emily hold the camera and run to show it from Emily's point of view. We got most of our filming done today and will start editing the footage we got on Wednesday.

Friday 14 January 2011

This is the song we are going to use in our title sequence. We plan to get a band from our school to do a cover of the song to avoid copy right. We chose this song as it related well to our genre as vampires are not normal and this song is about being a creep, also because he is stalking the girl, creep is appropriate. The song is quite slow but there is a bit were the pace speeds up which would be perfect for the part when the girl is being chased through the woods.

These are the pictures we took of Emily which will be at the beginning of the title sequence as surveillance pictures taken by the evil vampire.

Thursday 13 January 2011

Friday 7 January 2011

Twilight-Deer chase.

We have decided that their will be a chase similar to this one in our title sequence. Emily will be being chased through the woods by the evil vampire, but he will not be shown. The shot will be as if it is from Emily's point of view. This will create the feel of claustrophobia as it will not be clear what Emily is running from and the camera will be shakey making the fast paste movement and music leave the audience wanting to see what is happening.


7th January 2010-

We have decided that at the beginning of our title sequence we are going to include a stream of surveillance pictures which have been taken by the vampire, of the girl. They will appear on screen in the way they would look while they were being taken and have the sound effect of a camera. They will start off at a steady pace but gradually get faster. We will stop on one of the pictures and slowly zoom out to show a whole notice board filled with pictures of the girl.
Today we started taking our surveillance pictures for the beginning of our title sequence. We wanted to take them in different angles such as birds eye as they are supposed to be images taken by a vampire who would have the ability to move around very quickly and climb up on things. Me and Charlotte took pictures of Emily on her journey to school from different angles. We will continue taking pictures of her on different occasions to make it look like they are being taken over a period of time.

These are pictures of Charlotte, taking pictures of Emily from an birds eye angle, for our the still images in our title sequence.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

This is the typography we have chosen, which will appear at the end of the title sequence. The word "Bitten" is going to be wrote in this font in the colour red on a black background. We chose this font as it is association with other films of its genre such as The Twilight Saga. It also has a gothic sense to it. The colour red against a black background is a nice contrast with connotations of blood against darkness. After feedback, we are also going to experiment with the colour "Bitten" and see how it looks in maybe white against a black background, as the red may come across as too obvious whereas if it was in white it would create a sense of curiosity.


This is our chosen font:

We tried to put the name in different positions.

We chose the middle one as our production logo as the positioning of the name goes well with the image. it is positioned on the bottom right, it looks like the tree is growing out of the name.

We thought we should make the name red as our main title in our title sequence is red, however the name clashed to much with the white and black of the logo. We then tried the name in white. We chose to keep it white as it went really well with the background and also gave the whole logo a sinister atmosphere.

We thought that our production logo should be a crooked, haunted tree as it goes well with out creepy film genre. The production logo would then come up after. The logo is "C.E.S Productions" which is just the initials of all our names.
