Friday 4 March 2011

Part 6

I believe that we have reached our audience, as our title sequence managed to attract the attentions of a lot of females who like vampire films. However, our audience feedback proved that, our title sequence also attracted the attention of males as they also were intrigued in our title sequence and wanted to watch more. One of the responses we got from our feedback was “I thought the video was intriguing and interesting. If it was turned into movie I would watch it.”

Another response we got was “How you put the camera sideways on the floor when she was being attacked in the woods was a good effect to make you feel she has actually fallen down,”. This quote shows that we reached our audience as, when we was planning to do this shot, the idea of it was to make the audience feel the girls anxiety and terror so that they can really connect with the film.

In our planning and production, to appeal to our audience young, female audience, we decided that Zac Efron should play the role of the boyfriend. We decided this as he is a very popular, attractive actor. We thought this would attract our audience, as if he was starring in the film, our target audience would want to watch the film.

Our opening scene confused the audience as they didn’t really know what was going on. I think this was the least successful part of our title sequence. “I didn't really get the bit where Charlotte is sitting on the bed and looking at the pictures.” In my opinion the idea to have an opening scene and the idea of the opening scene was a good idea, however the way it was filmed and edited doesn’t make it clear what is going on. I think the lighting in the scene could be darkened to connote Charlottes feelings after the loss of her friend and also there should be a musical devise shown in the scene to show the audience that the song playing is digetic sound. Also, I think the space between the title sequence and the opening scene should be a bit longer, to show the change of scene.

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